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2023年度 第7回ダービーシャー高校生派遣事業(豊田市主催)

2023年度 愛知県高校生訪問団広東省派遣事業

John's English Club




Jan.18  Feb.8 Mar.14 

January 31th


January 9th



December 19th


December 7th
Mango FM!


November 9th
MangoFM !








Speech contest!


Even If Its Not Universal

What do you think of when you hear the word language? I think Japanese, English, etc. come to mind. But have you forgotten sign language? It is one of the most important languages for the hearing impaired to communicate and the ones around them to understand their feelings and thoughts. As of 2022, about 70 million people in the world are using it, which is about 1 in 100 people. Also, do you know that sign language differs from country to country? Braille is universal, but sign language is not. Because of it, problems can happen. What can I do as a high school student to solve this issue?

In May, my sister and I went to a station window. We were waiting in line then a woman in front of us was being called but she didnt realize it. She was called again but didnt move so I told her that she was being called. She was very surprised and bowed repeatedly. When she was communicating at the station window, she was using sign language. Thats when I knew that she was deaf.

Please imagine that you are a station employee and are being spoken to by a foreigner in a sign language. You are using sign language to communicate, but the foreigner doesnt seem to understand.
This is because the sign language being used by the station employee and a foreigner is different in this situation. Because sign language is not universal, even if you understand the sign language of your home country, you may not be able to communicate with a foreigner when you want to talk to them.

Today, people who do not understand sign language can have conversations with people who use sign language by writing notes, do hand gestures, and even if it was a foreigner, we can simply use a translator on the smartphone convenient right? But dont you think its too cruel and too sad to be treated this way just because youre a person who uses sign language? I also use messaging apps such as LINE to talk with my friends. However, the nuances are completely different between talking only in letters and talking face-to-face. Similarly, I think deaf people find it easier to express their feelings and thoughts in sign language. I want to take care of a part of their lives and make their lives easier. Even if you dont understand sign language, there are things you can do to help those who do.

From now on, I want more people to know their own countrys sign language such as my close friends, an American teacher who I am indebted for English conversation, and foreign friends that I made in English events. This problem can be very difficult to solve, but its not zero. The first step is to look at your own country and increase your understanding of your own sign language. For that, I will tell them how to help people who use sign language and how to solve problems in their daily lives, such as not noticing broadcasts or calls. Even if its not a universal language, there are many ways to communicate with deaf people. And I hope thats one way to solve the problem. I am only a high school student but by accumulating small actions, things may change someday. This is because one person can make a difference.

To be or not to be yourself

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.  This is a quote by Bruce Lee, one of the most well-known actors and martial artists.  I think the message in this quote is that dont try to be like someone else just because theyre popular and famous. Be you!  I understand this idea and Im sure everyone has heard this at least once in their life.  We hear it and use it often, too.  But how important is it?  Is this helpful advice?  Being yourself is important but at the same time, I think it is one of the most difficult things to do. 

    To begin with, lets think of the advantage of being yourself.  According to LLYOD law college, the definition is to like who you are.  You are living how you want to live, regardless of other peoples opinion.  Which means youre respecting yourself.  When you are living like this, youre likely to feel less stressed and spend less time worrying about your character.  Of course, because youre comfortable with your personality.  This will lead to Self-confidence and success.  It has a positive impact on you.  Since you would have the mental bandwidth, you would be able to challenge many things.  Without confidence, you would feel anxious or nervous when facing a new problem.  Also, its possible to change the people around you, like influencers on SNS.  The list of benefits goes on and on.    

Well, this advice sounds like positive and motivating.  Everyone would think theres nothing bad about this.  This is only if you are already comfortable with your character.  If you are considered unfriendly or not outgoing, and you dont like who you are, this advice isnt helpful.  Maybe it can make the situation worse.  Besides, it could be what that stops you from trying new things.  It traps you.  I had this experience when I was going to school abroad.  I wasnt good at English then, so I was always afraid of doing things with other students such as group work.  I was seen as a transfer student who cannot speak English.  So, my friends and other students did most of the work and I just copied the what they did.  I eventually developed a passive personality.  One day, an ESL teacher was helping me with an essay about self-introduction.  He said Just be yourself.  I knew he was encouraging me but I also knew it was no good to stay like that.  I realized I should be more proactive.  Therefore, this overused advice may not be an appropriate for all people.    As the conclusion of my speech today, I want to tell you all that you dont need to follow this advice, Being yourself.  Being the person you truly want is much more significant in life.  I learned this through my experience so I can guarantee it.  Im not saying this advice is inappropriate but its not the best advice to give people.  Its not like it always works.  Its the same when youre the one getting this advice.  Before following some advice, ask yourself, is this the person I really want to be?  Remember who you are now and who you want to be in the future.  I think this is important.  So next time when youre giving advice to someone whos struggling with their character, dont say Be yourself, instead say, Be the person you really want. Be the person that can shine 


September 21th
MangoFM !


September 19th
English Club!


Toyo kita Language Program 2023

Our school hosted a summer international exchange program over three days on August 18th, 21st, and 22nd.
Day1 Online exchange with students from Mountain Creek High School in Australia.Day2 Group session with the ALT instructors discussing "Ideal Family Dynamics."
Day3 Skit activity (script writing and presentations in English)

 During the online exchange on the first day, students seemed to have an enjoyable time learning about cultural differences, expressing surprise at the fact that many Australian high school students have part-time jobs and even drive cars.

 On the second and third days, the ALT instructors engaged in discussions with the students about "Ideal Japanese Family Dynamics." Each group presented their ideas, addressing topics such as "Roles of Fathers and Mothers," "Praise and Discipline," and "How to choose Future Paths."  The students showed great interest and actively exchanged opinions on the differences between other countries and Japan. Although many students had little to no experience in creating skit scripts in English, they worked together with their group members. All groups produced impressive skits.

 Throughout the program, the students engaged in so many cross-cultural interactions and made great efforts to express their own opinions.


1日目 オーストラリアのマウンテンクリーク高校の生徒とオンラインで交流
2日目 ALTの講師陣との対面でのグループセッション(理想の家族の在り方について)
3日目 ALTの講師陣と寸劇(英語での台本作り、発表)



Day1 オンライン交流会

Day2 ALTとディスカッション

Day3 英語で台本作り&発表会

2023.5.15,6.20,7.4    English Club

We have an English speaking activity once a month with teacher John. Many students enjoy this program every time.

May 15

June 20

July 4



Table Topicという質問カードを使い意見交換をしました。例えば「お金は使う派?ためる派?」などお互いの考えを聞いたり、なぜそう思うのか理由を説明したりしました。

Online International Exchanging Programs!

We usually have a monthly online interacting program with our friends in the world. Many students enjoy discussion on several topics and chatting each other between the sessions.

May 24

June 27





Mango FM!!

Our wonderful ALT, Mr. John Magno, hosts several radio programs this year as well. Having students as guests, we enjoy listening to the program during lunch break.

April 27

May 24

June 15




April. 25th
English Club 2023 Vol.1

It was the first time for 1st graders. We cooperated with teammates, regardless of grades, to play an English card game with teacher John. We enjoyed the game and acquired some vocabulary in the game!



March 17th
One of brilliant Toyo-Kita Students won prizes in Chinese Speech Contests!



March 8th
English Club Vol9!


March 7th
MangoFM 82.6 Vol12!!

An eleventh grade student came to talk about her experience on learning Chinese. 今回のゲストは日本語、英語、中国語が話せる多言語話者とのこと。中国語のスピーチコンテストで入賞する実力派。中国語を話せるようになった背景を、ラジオを通して皆に話してくれました。

February 27th
Mango FM 82.6 Vol.11!

A tenth grade student was a guest this time, and he shared his experiences in China. 話したいことがたくさんあると言ってくれた今回のゲストは海外でのアメリカンスクールや異文化体験を通して感じたことを話してくれました。国際交流プログラムにも参加してくれ、次はこうした方がいいと思うと意見をくれました。今後は生徒会にも興味があるようです。

January 24th
English Club Vol. 8!

 “Who is the best salesperson?”

January 19th
Mango FM 82.6 Vol. 10!


December 20th
English Club Vol. 7!

 We had a Christmas Party! We enjoyed several games in English. ☆

December 14th
Mango FM 82.6 Vol. 9!

 An exchange student from Germany shared her experiences in Japan.

February 8th
English 1-Day Tour

English Tourに参加した2年生の生徒の体験談が届きました!

「English 1-Day Tourを通して」
 私は今回豊橋市二川宿本陣資料館で行われたEnglish Tourに参加しました。参加者は、学生、ALTの先生合わせて約20名程でした。このツアーでの一番のポイントは、配布資料から説明まで全て英語だったということです。もちろん当日の会話は英語のみでした。ツアーの内容は、用意されたクイズを班で解きながら二川宿内を回るというものでした。私の班は私と、他校の高校1年生と高校2年生、そしてALTの先生の4人でした。クイズは10個あり、例えば” Why is ‘Zenikatana’ called a coin sword? などがありました。このような答えを班ごとに協力して資料館の中から見つけ出していきました。思っていたよりも難しかったので、英語での会話が増えて、英語のスピーキング練習となりました。他にも、任務が与えられて盛りだくさんの内容でとても楽しかったです。ALTの先生に「〜について教えて」と言われた時、説明しなければいけない任務があり、調理器具の説明を求められたときには説明の仕方が分からず、みんなで ‘kitchen instruments’と言いました。すると先生が‘kitchen utensils’と教えてくださり、日常会話を楽しく学ぶことができました。自由時間も頑張って英語のみでお互いの趣味などを話しましたが、思っていた以上に楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。今回のEnglish 1 Day Tourでは、とにかく声に出して英語を話す大切さを学びました。将来英語を話せるようになるための大きな経験になったと思います。そして、ツアーの最後に4人でとった写真は私の宝物となりました。

December 9th
We have got an open badge of iIBC essay contest.

 夏にiIBC(一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会)主催のエッセイコンテストに198名の生徒が参加しました。参加生徒はネイティブの方によるコメントやフィードバックを受けることができました。また、協会よりオープンバッジ(デジタル証明書)を頂きました。

November 30th
Language Exchange Program with High School Thailand Vol.2!


October 26th
Mango FM 82.6  Vol.6!


October 19th
English Club ~Happy Halloween~

 We had Halloween Spooky Activities with teacher John. Participants enjoyed playing “Introduction with scary episodes”, “What’s inside?”, English version “Jinro”, and Trick or Treating. It was so much fun!

Toyo-Kita meets TIA!



Online International Exchange Program with Detroit, the US

Toyokita students are joining an international exchange program with sister city Detroit in America.
豊田市の国際まちづくり推進課が主催する「令和4年度 姉妹都市デトロイト市高校生オンライン交流プログラム」に本校生徒が参加しています。

Mango FM 82.6 Vol.5!

The host was Jonathan from the UK this time. The guest was a student form the 10th grader. He joined the Toyo-Kita 3-Day Language Exchanging Program this summer. He has shared his experiences with us.

Toyo-kita Language Exchange Program






2022.7.27 Wednesday
AUE-Toyokita High School Collaboration Workshop

 We, English teachers in Toyokita High School, had a workshop with foreign teacher trainees and students from Aichi University of Education. One of the purposes of this workshop is to share methodological English teaching skills among ESL teachers, who teach English as a Second Language. We both shared the circumstances on English Education in each country.
 Another purpose is to give an opportunity for high school students to interact with people from different cultures. They had fun talking English speakers and exchanged their opinions on various topics.

2022.7.20 Wednesday
We had a School Speech Contest!

We held a Speech Contest in Toyokita High School. Each participant made a wonderful speech and the contents were various and interesting. English teachers discussed to choose the best two students. The winners will join a bigger contest in September as representers of Toyokita High School.

2022.7.6 Wednesday
Language Exchange Program with High School Thailand


2022.6.15 Wednesday
Mango FM 82.6 Vol.4!

The guest shared his experiences in South Africa with us!

2022.5.25 Wednesday
Mango FM 82.6 Vol.3!

Mr. Magno and leader of students council talked about coming school festival.

Scrip → Mango FM 82.8 Script [Next](pdf)

2022.5.11 Wednesday
English Club Vol.2!

Mr. Magno and students had a good time with two international students.
We did...

  1. Self-introduction
  2. Playing a game
  3. Free Talk with each international student

2022.4.7 Thursday
SES Toyo-Kita Library has opened!
